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  2. Congrats, all! Keep up the good work.
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  4. Congrats everyone. Great job.
  5. Today, July 17, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice SkillsBeatMeta. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Sovereign, under the command of Fleet Admiral Nelson. The Crewman swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  6. Congratulations to everyone who was promoted
  7. Congratulations to everyone!
  8. Congratulations all! Keep up the great work! Spill Oil!
  9. Congratulations everyone! Let's keep up the fantastic work.
  10. Good Evening, StarFleet! It is with pride that I announce the promotions for the month of July 2024: U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Crewman Morphine is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class Lieutenant Aidyn G. Carrey Lieutenant, Junior Grade DocHamsty Chief Petty Officer Jonathan1008 are hereby awarded the Diplomatic Aid Ribbon Petty Officer 1st Class CalloughCallay Crewman Morphine are hereby awarded the StarFleet Recruitment Ribbon U.S.S. VENTURE Lieutenant JohnGill2 is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander Ensign Scarlet LaCroix is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade Petty Officer 2nd Class Heardthestampede is hereby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer First Class Fleet Captain Silent Hunters Fleet Captain Spector77 Lieutenant JohnGill2 Ensign Scarlett LaCroix Crewman Apprentice Cardona Chief Warrant Officer 1 Ecthel Petty Officer 1st Class Exemius are hereby awarded the StarFleet Meritorious Service medal Ensign Scarlett LaCroix Petty Officer 1st Class Exemius are hereby awarded the StarFleet Heart U.S.S. VALIANT Master Chief Petty Officer 3rd Class RaptorRed98 is promoted to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Lieutenant Commander Paulus Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class RaptorRed98 are hereby awarded the StarFleet Commendation Award Commander BadA Lieutenant Commander Paulus Lieutenant Commander Marquis Lieutenant Commander Chilled Lieutenant Kellem Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Expertsp00n Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class RaptorRed98 Petty Officer 1st Class Raspoutine Petty Officer 3rd Class Rooster_Spigley Crewman Recruit UncleSamsBoot are hereby recommended for the StarFleet World of Warships Gale Award U.S.S. SOVEREIGN Lieutenant Junior Grade Rubbara is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Lieutenant Junior Grade Clintmac is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Petty Officer 2nd Class Darhoth1 is hereby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer First Class Petty Officer 2nd Class Ramandar is hereby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer First Class Petty Officer 3rd Class MeSSed_Up is hereby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer First Class Crewman Trash_Panda427 is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class Crewman PlayForFun82 is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class Crewman Yankees73 is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class Crewman EroDisdain is promoted to the rank of Crewman Crewman LaughingCanuck is promoted to the rank of Crewman Crewman Recruit Au5513 is promoted to the rank of Crewman Apprentice U.S.S. HOOD Lieutenant Junior Grade D. Sloane is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Lieutenant Junior Grade Nena1176 is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Ensign Amity is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade Petty Officer 3rd Class Bluedran is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 2nd Class Crewman Recruit Erhewon71 is promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class Jupiter Station Colonel RedneckRambo89 is hereby awarded the StarFleet 3 Years of Service Ribbon The following officers are hereby awarded the Malevelon Creek Campaign Ribbon Fleet Admiral Nelson Rear Admiral Blanco Captain Krakatoa Colonel RedneckRambo89 Colonel Maverick Lieutenant Colonel Doom Lieutenant Colonel BadA Major KrisFalcon Major Nerdiate Marine Captain Totobeast Marine Captain Tsukikage Lieutenant Kellem Chief Warrant Officer First Class Knight Sergeant Major Second Class Gronk Major KrisFalcon Sergeant Major Second Class Gronk are hereby awarded the StarFleet Achievement Ribbon The following officers are hereby awarded the Novice Marksman Ribbon Colonel RedneckRambo89 Lieutenant Colonel Doom Lieutenant Colonel BadA Major Nerdiate The following officers are hereby awarded the Basic Helldiver Ribbon Commander BadA Major Nerdiate Cadet LoZ_Bluehawk The following officers are hereby awarded the Intermediate Helldiver Ribbon Cadet LoZ_Bluehawk STARFLEET ACADEMY Cadet Senior LoZ_Bluehawk is hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign Master Chief Petty Officer 3rd Class Bluehawk is hereby accepted into the StarFleet Academy as Cadet Freshman Crewman Apprentice Cardona is hereby accepted into the StarFleet Academy as Cadet Freshman Keep up the great work, StarFleet! I congratulate you all and hope to see you on next months announcements! P.S. Remember to ask for for your new ranks and awards to be updated in the requests forum! P.S.S. There are always mistakes/changes/edits to make. Please report them up your chain of command. Thanks! BY ORDER OF: Fleet Admiral Z. Nelson Commander, StarFleet
  11. Today, July 16, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice IntyPlays. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Sovereign, under the command of Fleet Admiral Nelson. The Crewman swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  12. Today, July 15, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Private Sir-Dome. The Private has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to Jupiter Station, under the command of Colonel Maverick. The Private swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  13. Today, July 11, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Dakotami7. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Venture, under the command of Commander Owens. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  14. Today, July 9, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice KiraYamato2. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Akira, under the command of Lieutenant Commander 63Impala. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is the July Fleet Meeting.
  16. Today, July 3rd, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Private Kenn. The Private has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to Jupiter Station, under the command of Colonel Maverick. The Private swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  17. Today, June 22, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice LaughingCanuck . The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Sovereign, under the command of Fleet Admiral Nelson. The Crewman swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  18. Today, June 21 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice CapJDReed. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Valiant, under the command of Captain Feartheshoe8. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  19. Today, June 19, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Ero Disdain. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Sovereign, under the command of Fleet Admiral Nelson. The Crewman swore to adhere to our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  20. Today, June 17, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice Crimson. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Akira, under the command of Lieutenant Commander 63Impala. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  21. Today, June 16 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman apprentice Dotjubs. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Valiant, under the command of Captain Feartheshoe8. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  22. Today, June 14, 2024, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Recruit ND1701A. The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Valiant, under the command of Captain Feartheshoe8. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, StarFleet Operations Staff
  23. Congratz to Everyone!!!
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