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Posts posted by Lucaya

  1. Greetings fleet,


    recently a new game called 'The long journey Home' were released.


    The game is about a ship and a crew that somehow got lost in the galaxy after an accident,

    that tries to find a way back home as the titel tells. (Maybe this sounds somehow familiar so anybody? =D)


    The developers named all system like real discovered onces except of those with really bad names like 193740-d-21...


    And I have found a system really popular: Check out-> http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=938993472


    If anyone interested in that game to do its own long journey home: http://store.steampowered.com/app/366910/The_Long_Journey_Home/


    have fun =)




    Lt. Lucaya




  2. Thats a nice one. 

    I would advise you to make up a battle report on such a really good result. 

    In the past we used to create one for almost every single match of a supported game we played.

    Back than it was one indicator for your activity and practice in battle and in many times besides good behavior and recruiting it happened that someone were promoted.

    Well thats what I experienced in the past. =)




    Lt. Lucaya 


    P.S.: If you need any infiormation about battle reports I would be happy to inform you.

  3. Nice one.

    Is it a game that has this ship in it, or is it in a batttlestar galactica game?
    I would appreaciate more information about the picture and where it is from.




    Lt. Lucaya

  4. Greetings Kahn the berserker,


    to be honest I have no information about this.

    I'll contact other fleet members to find out if its true or not but in general I am quite sure that we actually playing PC only but I might be wrong in that case.




    Lt. Lucaya

  5. Greetings fleet,


    2 days ago I started playing Avorion* ,        


    which I think is a really cool spaceship simulator like the X-Series but according to questlines way more primitive.

    For everyone interested it is available on steam. 

    I can't tell the US-Price as we in europe have € and it cost 17,99€ when I purchcased it.


    However my intention for this here is actually that I would like to built ships in their as the ship creation allows you to fully make your ships as you please from scratch.

    So somehow a sandbox-Ship-creation.


    I will link or add 2 pictures of ships I made so far by myself and I would like to ask for input from you

    what ships I could build in their because I normally do not know what I should built when I make a new one.

    I rather do not check the internet for ideas because they would not be thought by my own.

    So ship building right now is like painting a picture of something which is a constant progress and probably will never really end which is no problem at all.


    So please give me your wishes and I will choose out of them and try to build them in-game.

    I would like to stress that I will not do any prediction about any ships completition as it is a really time consuming activity and like I explaind a kind of art.

    So if you are interested I would like to recomment to follow the Thread and check from time to time for updates.




    Thats the [-SF-] Lucaya 1. Step which unfortunatelly was destroayed the other day when "Captain Lucaya" thought that an asteroid is a really nice spot to land on with maximum speed. =D





    This lovely ship is my [-SF-] Lucaya Titanforce which is my current ship.



    You may wonder about the [-SF-]-Tag in front of the name expecially if I tell you that I am playing Singleplayer BUT there is also a multiplayer option which I had

    no opportunity to test yet.

    But if anyone in the future like to play with me and/or maybe others please send me an PM.


    In this forum please do only post wishes, comments on ships and additionally if you make a wish please follow the following form.




    1. ) Call the Ship if it has a name and when you know it from.

    2. ) Give me essential information so I can build the ship. Selfmade pictures, links to an image, or maybe a detailed instruction of what you have in mind which I will try to interpret.

    3. ) comments you write down here. Please ensure some space between every step so it looks good.


    Thank you very much for your support in advance




    Lieutenant Lucaya


    * ( https://www.avorion.net/)

    ======================================   UPDATE 18th Fabruary 2017  =================================
    This is my [-SF-] Lucaya Justice and is used as a battleship and will become a carrier soon
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