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Khan the bersker

Crewman Apprentice
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Posts posted by Khan the bersker

  1. HI all


    been awhile since I was las here and hope all are well considering the 'Year of Hell' (had to get that pun in) we've had.


    not seen many on STO of late so just wondering how you all are, what games you are all playing etc?


    my discord is Elilestkhan #1661 if those that know wanna catch up.


    take care live long and prosper.





  2. star wars empire at war.. Toc.


    those modders do some great stuff for old games, this if is GoG allow mods as the DRM is removed.


    Steam not.


    on SW.. forces of corruption: Thrawns revenge.


    they have done both space and ground combat.


    Sins it limited.. but SFC and the gamma mod that's that oldie and remasters it..


    anyways enjoy these older games. :)

  3. Tried to add mods to Bridge Commander, all i got was a dark screen and a mouse pointer. Do you have a version without the Kobiyashi Maru mod?


    change your shaders and graphics settings..


    also try running it as admin and win xp..


    hope this helps.

  4. actually you know me all as evilestkhan..


    aka emperourshand.


    with jes rejoining I can not..


    but as an a friend of SF I can extend friendship as a ambassador off Clan Hunters.


    arrola/nelson and others are on the list in sto.


    it will be nice too meet up.



  5. I am Khan... :D


    I fought with a member off starfleet on STO recently and was good fight!


    we spoke afterwards and I liked what he said, so applied too starfleet as a rom.


    but I've been busy with mass effect Andromeda and TC wild lands, forgive my delay in applying.


    do you do both the PC and xbox/ps4 fleets?


    Jolan tru.

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