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CL1FR - Former StarFleet Members
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Everything posted by Waffle

  2. TO ALL HANDS: At last check @0523 edt teamspeak was still down! please use discord and forums til teamspeak server is back up and running!
  3. at 0220 edt teamspeak has went down....we are in discord at the moment...will monitor ts to see if it comes back up
  4. congrats to all....keep up the good work
  5. Welcome to the fleet...qapla
  6. Waffle


    After going thru crew ORS' I have noticed some are not updated and also some who still need to start theirs. This is a friendly reminder to get these done and up to date, cause I know that Lieutenant Blanco is not going to be as kind as I am. If anyone has any questions about their ORS, please feel free to ask any of the senior staff for help if needed. Also pip change requests from last month's meeting has a few people who have not yet made their requests, remember you are not eligible for your next promotion due to not requesting ur pip change before the next meeting.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/0hcbWZN.png http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj122/tenaka_khan_1981/starfleet3smallct3-1.png Today, June 25th, 2018, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice Wey The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty and has been assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise, under the command of Captain Nathan Hunter. The Crewman swore to adhere by our Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify our core beliefs. We leave you with these words on your adventure, "Live Long and Prosper" Sincerely, Admissions Staff http://i.imgur.com/kZGDGoz.png
  8. join in and wish Lieutenant dark a happy birthday today!
  9. Wishing a happy birthday to Captain Souze
  10. congrats to all this month...keep up the good work everyone!
  11. nevermind the post above...there is a warframe recruitment event going on both wednesday night and friday night...please show up for support and help as all hand on deck will be appreciated...
  12. this month we would like to see crew vs crew battling with a few possibilities as follows: would like to do a trial run on wednesday night in bridge crew against the stopwatch with a crew member on each team broadcasting it up on twitch so the other team can watch. if interested please show up following scrum wednesday night Bridge Crew: timed missions about only choice as there is no pvp or co-op option at this time. (only about 10-12 people have this game fleet wide including Admirality) Star Trek Online: pvp, competitive, timed pve, timed missions. World of Warships: training room, timed operations. Warframe: pvp, timed mission runs. (only 3 people on Enterprise have this game)
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