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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. Now all we need is Viper and Wolfman and we can get a squadron going. Welcome!
  2. Private Maverick requesting permissions update in accordance with the post below.
  3. Thank you, Captain. I am excited to be back and ready to help wherever I can.
  4. Absolutely great news regarding the servers! I am looking forward to the release of said servers with great anticipation of what will transpire after release. This is our opportunity to make SF one of the most Elite Forces with in the BF series! Let's make it happen people!
  5. Well Lieutenant, I believe one of the only ways to get better at something is repetition and maybe if you jump in with a squad that knows what they are doing and can help give you some tips, I believe we can get you to a point that you will be happy with!
  6. Good day ladies and mentlegen! As stated during the July 7th Fleet meeting I want to get StarFleet back into the Battlefield Series particularly Battlefield V. If you also want to play some Battlefield 4 Let me know! I'll play with you! This post is to get members and friends of the fleet on the battlefield in squads, and also to maybe convince others who are still on the fence about purchasing the game. Let's have a conversation! I'm sure I can answer some of your questions and possibly find you a great deal on the game! All I ask if you are interested to send me a PM on either the forums or discord and we can get a group chat going to confer about times to squad up! Respectfully, Corporal Maverick U.S.S. Enterprise Crewmember
  7. Read and understood I should be able to attend.
  8. Congratulations everyone! Keep up the good work!
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