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Minnow Raydor

Lieutenant Commander
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Everything posted by Minnow Raydor

  1. http://i.imgur.com/0hcbWZN.png Today, October 11th 2021, we have enlisted within our ranks Crewman Apprentice Taerom . The Crewman has been deemed fit for duty, and has been assigned to the USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Boseman32. The Crewman swore to adhere by the StarFleet Code of Conduct, to uphold its values, and to exemplify its core beliefs. A warm welcome to StarFleet, Taerom! We leave you with these words on your Adventure, "Live Long, and Prosper" ~Sincerely, The Admissions Staff http://i.imgur.com/kZGDGoz.png
  2. Congratulations and a big well done to everybody, keep up the good work/activity all.
  3. Thank you for this opportunity , I hope to live up to the expectations and supporting the community best I can. I also stand ready and am very much excited to enter the academy.
  4. Good Day, Rear Admiral Scorpiobe we hope this message finds you well. I have been asked to reach out to you to ask and see how you are doing and perhaps if you could provide a status on your circumstances?. Your presence has been missed these past few months in the Starfleet Community. Best Wishes Acting Ensign Raydor
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