So, as a side note here.. Since a decent portion of our players won't have their own T10 to use for CW but will be renting. There are a few videos I would suggest watching from Flamu. On top of this, with the lack of T10 experience from some, it means some players won't be aware of the strengths or weaknesses of most of the ships. If you have a question about Captain Builds and what would be better for you to run, please get a hold of me. I'll happily talk you through your choices and why you should make them. A major thing to note about your captain builds and ship builds for this CW season, is since there are NO CARRIERS, you won't need to be AA spec'd. Which means a normal build for your Des Moines, won't be as useful. Not taking skills such as Basic Firing Training or Advanced Firing Training would be suggested. Also removing the Defensive AA module and slotting your other modules in it's place, such as Hydro-acoustic Search. Also with the potential for a large amount of destroyers and Zaos in this season, torpedoes will be a large threat to most ships, so utilizing Hydro w/ the captain skill Vigilance could allow for a much safer and fun game. My Steam: Gansoh Zao Guide Overall Cruiser Guide Overall DD Guide Any questions, please contact me. I'll be around in TS as well should there be any. -Chief Gans.oH