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Shadow Phoenix

CL1FR - Former StarFleet Members
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Everything posted by Shadow Phoenix

  1. Ugh, finally. This is the first time in a long time, months even, I've been able to sit down and access the forums. Work has been a major pain in my rear end with all the schedule changes, people coming, people going, and so on. These days, its not uncommon for me to come home so exhausted, mentally and/or physically, that I just outright crash on the couch and sleep through the night, not always getting a chance to even eat. On average, I've been having to get up at 7am and don't get home until 11pm, sometimes midnight. On the extra irritating side, though I can access the internet through my work wi-fi, even though I have to re-log in essentially every half hour in order to keep using it, the firewall is not to found of this site, blocking it because of its classification as 'entertainment' (am accessing it via renting time on a co-worker's cellular hotspot device). While I can't complain about the additional income of cash into my bank account, working 'by the hour' is a serious drain on my mental stamina and physical endurance. Can't fault my sense of responsibility. This all started when, in my department of five people, one of the three people on my shift hurt his back and I took over his hours, continuing after he decided to not come back, and only had more hours added after another, from another shift, quit. They've been trying to hire new people, but I've yet to get a new schedule, so will continue with the hours I've had since, IIRC, last October. Still, just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and kicking. I may not be as active here as I would like to be, but know that I've not forgotten this place. I've got an earlier night than usual today, so will try to post again when I get home if I can.
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