Good morning, StarFleet,
It's my pleasure to announce some changes and growth within the StarFleet Operations teams. Operations consists of a group of teams that cover most of the fleet's admin side. While most of these areas are teams, when they grow and are established by a committed group of members, the team is formally granted department status.
As such, it's exciting to announce that the Engineering team is now formally a department under StarFleet Operations. Our Engineering folks' hard work, activity, and dedication are hard to ignore. To that end, I am very pleased to announce that Major Maverick is hereby designated the department head of engineering with the title of Acting Head of Engineering, with all the rights and privileges therein, effective immediately.
StarFleet Communications has also grown, and we are happy to welcome Lt. Commander DarkWyndre, Lt. Catteryna, and Crewman K Bennett as communication officers.
Please join me in congratulating the Major and welcoming these new members to StarFleet Operations.
ViceAdmiral JustPlainDan
COO and Second Officer of StarFleet.