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Good Evening StarFleet,


The following  list is discrepancies i have found and like to request for all to up date.


[ORS] dizie   missing update for promtion to PO3

SailorJohn64 ORS   missing update for promotion to PO1

NCC1701PS missing temp promotion to Acting Ensign

The following below are fleet members need to create your ORS.

here is the link



Remeber ORS are important if you want a career in Starfleet



San Kuno - U.S.S. Enterprise,

LordG_1 - U.S.S. Valiant

AyaSolari - U.S.S. Enterprise

EfishNc - U.S.S. Enterprise

Venerable - U.S.S. Enterprise

Xenophen - U.S.S. Valiant

GP3Vicious - U.S.S. Valiant

Bawaid - U.S.S. Valiant

Spector77 - U.S.S. Valiant

Henry's Dad - U.S.S. Valiant

Flight_of_the_Valkre - U.S.S. VALIANT

Cappurnicus - U.S.S. ENTERPRISE

Blood__gunner - U.S.S. VALIANT

Sonoftalon - U.S.S. VALIANT

Creedlom - U.S.S. VALIANT

Cousin_Eddie - U.S.S. ENTERPRISE

DieselNX01 - U.S.S. VALIANT

Sydbear - U.S.S. VALIANT


Should you have any question please ask. ill and the rest of the fleet would more than happy to help you.



    Thank you for point out the gap in my ORS.  I was holding off on posting that and my pip change request until the Fleet Admiral or designated officer posted the February Fleet Meeting minutes / promotion message.  

Very respectfully,

PO1 SailorJohn64


Rear Admiral, Starfleet

United Federation of Planets

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