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USS Sovereign (NCC-73811)

The U.S.S. Sovereign is the flag ship of StarFleet‘s WoWS 1st Fleet Tactical Group. Comprised of StarFleet‘s most elite WoWS players, the Sovereign leads 1st Fleet in the most challenging of competitive and tournament play. When not involved in tactical performance, she patrol‘s the neutral zone along the Federation and Romulan boarder, always standing proud as she Defends the Federation. 

Captain KageObake

Commanding Officer

Commander Jolan Bree

Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Reginald Lulan

Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Rubarra

Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jacen Kett

Chief Tactical Officer

Ensign Juliet Borla

Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Felix Jin

Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Commander TheGoldenShellback

Acting Chief Medical Officer