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Awards and Medals

These are the commendations awarded to StarFleet officers. These commendations are achieved through hard work and dedication to the StarFleet community.

StarFleet Congressional Medal Of Service

Awarded to a StarFleet officer for meritorious service to StarFleet in a duty of great responsibility. Can be recommended by a Commanding Officer and supported by the Admiral’s Council.

StarFleet Cross

Awarded to StarFleet officers who have performed above and beyond in the field for StarFleet supported games. Their actions have consistently been remarkable when facing enemies during fleet dedicated battles. Can be recommended by a Commanding officer of Fleet Supported Game leadership, must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

StarFleet Flying Cross

Awarded to StarFleet officers who have continued to excel on the field for StarFleet supported games during Fleet Dedicated Battles. Their actions on the field have brought considerable distinction for themselves, their team and StarFleet as a whole. Members holding this commendation are considered to be the best of the best. Can be recommended by a Commanding officer of Fleet Supported Game leadership, must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

StarFleet Heart

Awarded to any officer who willingly endangers or sacrifices themselves during combat in order to help StarFleet achieve victory during fleet-supported on-field Operations. Their selflessness and bravery in the field displays that sometimes in order to achieve victory, sacrifices may need to be made. This award honors those who were wounded in action in the course of combat. Can be recommended to a Commanding officer of Fleet Supported Game but must be supported and approved by the Commanding officer of a ship.

Christopher Pike Medal of Valor

Awarded to a StarFleet officer for Exceptional Leadership. This award is given to those in command who have gone more than above and beyond in their positions. Any officer granted this award is a shining example for current officers and future aspiring officers to follow. May be recommended by Fleet Supported Activity Commanding Officer or a ship Commanding Officer. Must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

Rachel Garrett Medal of Gallantry

Awarded to a StarFleet officer for their selfless actions in defense of StarFleet through both on-field and off-field endeavors. This award signifies duty and honor at the highest degree for their continued roles within StarFleet. May be recommended by Fleet Supported Activity Commanding Officer or a ship Commanding Officer. Must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

Fleet Admiral's Achievement Award

(Awarded to Fleet Admirals, past or present)

This is traditionally, the first award the newly elected Fleet Admiral awards, at the very start of their tenure. Granted at the discretion of the incoming Fleet Admiral of StarFleet, per tradition, this award signifies that culmination of work for the outgoing Fleet Admiral, for all of the work they’ve completed during their tenure as Commander-in-Chief of StarFleet. Whether they are recognized for their contributions in the field through excellence in achieving new heights or they have been instrumental in off-field operations in keeping StarFleet operational, they have earned recognition from their successor with this high achievement award. The newest holder is not only acknowledged for their work within the community whether on the field or behind the scenes, but by this award, they are forever etched in history as one of the Fleet Admirals of StarFleet.

Fleet Admirals Star

Granted at the sole discretion of the Fleet Admiral of StarFleet. This award signifies that the holder has been specially acknowledged for their work within the community whether on the battlefield or behind the scenes, by the current Commander of StarFleet. And in being recognized for their contributions in the field and off the field, it is through their own excellence, they have achieved brave new heights and have been impressively instrumental in a likeness seen only in future Fleet Admirals to come. With this expressive endorsement of support, it is expected that they continue to work towards keeping StarFleet a running success and may one day become the Commander in Chief of StarFleet themselves, the current CnC gainfully expects.

Order of StarFleet

Awarded to a StarFleet officer who goes above and beyond the call of duty. Such an officer has greatly assisted StarFleet behind the scenes and has been a role model for others in activity through their efforts on and off the field. Can be recommended by a Commanding officer, but must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council. Awarded once, and only by a Council member.

StarFleet Star

The highest award given to any StarFleet officer. Awarded to StarFleet Officers who have distinguished themselves through their service or through their work in the course of his or her duties. They have gone above and beyond what is requested of them time and again. Their dedication, loyalty, courage and valor within StarFleet are all above reproach. These individuals exemplify all StarFleet Traditions and Values and have left their indelible marks in the lore of StarFleet. Can be recommended by a Commanding officer, but must be sponsored by an Admiral on the Admiral’s Council and must be reviewed and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

Command/Leadership Ribbon

Awarded to individuals in the command/leadership position of Fleet Supported Games or Senior Command staff of the various ships of StarFleet. These are the tried and true leaders within StarFleet who demonstrate the qualities of a leader on the field and off the field.

Meritorious Service Ribbon

Awarded to individuals for taking part in leadership of any type during a tour or season. Their respective accomplishments and achievements would include leadership of squadrons, armadas, fireteams or ship departments. Recommendation for this award should be initiated by the leadership of a Fleet supported game or Senior Command Staff.



StarFleet Commendation

Awarded to an officer for their exceptional contributions on the field and in general communications. They are considered elite members in StarFleet who further exemplify the quality of professionalism in their gameplay that StarFleet strives for and continues to cultivate. This may be awarded by the Commanding Officer of a ship at their discretion for above noteworthy accomplishments. Can be awarded multiple times.

Achievement Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet for a noteworthy achievement whether on the field or off the field. They are considered avid members in StarFleet who further exemplify the quality of professionalism in their gameplay that StarFleet strives for and continues to cultivate. This may be awarded by a department supervisor, leader, senior officer, superior officer or commanding officer. This may be awarded as often as necessary.

StarFleet Merit Ribbon

Awarded to an officer for their work behind the scenes or in off field capacities. Their noteworthy efforts help with furthering the processes or functions of StarFleet or the departments that support StarFleet Operations.

StarFleet Good Conduct Ribbon

Awarded to an officer for their work on the field and in general communications. Their efforts help the furthering of StarFleet on the field through their actions.

Diplomacy Aid Ribbon

Awarded to an officer for assisting in an alliance or in any form of treaty. Also awarded to an officer who negotiates peace for other fleets or races. Awarded only once.

Diplomacy Ribbon

Awarded to an officer for making alliances or treaties. Also awarded to an officer who negotiates peace for StarFleet. Awarded only once.

StarFleet Recruitment RIbbon

Awarded to any officer who has gone above and beyond the call of duty in the field of recruiting, member-retention or orientation. May be awarded at the discretion of a senior officer.

Engineering Proficiency Ribbon

Awarded to a StarFleet officer that has demonstrated the merits of a skilled Engineer within StarFleet. Their proficiency as an Engineer can be demonstrated through general mastery over mechanics of Fleet Supported Games, what constitutes “good” builds and instructing others with their expertise. May be awarded at the discretion of a Commanding Officer.

Science Proficiency Ribbon

Awarded to a StarFleet officer that has demonstrated the merits of a skilled Science Officer within StarFleet.Their tireless research and proficiency in understanding changes in Fleet supported games, their ability to advise and guide StarFleet members is second to none. May be awarded at the discretion of a Commanding Officer.

Tactical Proficiency Ribbon

Awarded to a StarFleet officer that had demonstrated the merits of a skilled Tactician within StarFleet. Their skill in tactics, coordination and general strategy are exceptional among all StarFleet members. They must also mentor others by training others in their tactics through standard training. May be awarded at the discretion of a Commanding Officer.

StarFleet Service Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet that has completed the Basic Training Course

StarFleet NCO Citation Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet that has completed the NCO Advanced Training Course

StarFleet Academy Honor Graduate Ribbon

Awarded to individuals by Academy Staff who has graduated StarFleet Academy with very high marks. 

Gold Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers whose actions were pivotal and extraordinary in their circumstances on the field of battle or other actions in the course of his or her duties. Can be recommended by a Senior Officer and confirmed by StarFleet Command.

Silver Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers for actions that would otherwise distinguish you from your peers within StarFleet on the field of battle or other actions in the course of his or her duties. Can be recommended by a Senior Officer.

Bronze Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers for commendable actions on the field of battle or other actions in the course of his or her duties within StarFleet. Can be recommended by a Senior Officer.

Silent Service Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers for their exceptional work in day-to-day operations of StarFleet including StarFleet Operations department, Security, Graphics, Engineering, Communications and all other operations. Must be recommended by StarFleet Command and approved by the Admiral’s Council.

Voluntary Service Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who has time and time again shown extreme dedication to his or her duties off the field, gone above and beyond what is expected of them by giving their time to further StarFleet Operations. 

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet with time in service. Members should contact their Commanding Officers on the anniversary of their joining to be recognized for this award.

Legacy awards page: View here.

Battle Ribbon

Awarded to a StarFleet officer who has distinguished themself during dedicated fleet battles. Awarded once per game.

Elite Battle Ribbon

Awarded to a StarFleet officer who has consistently defeated multiple enemies in dedicated fleet battles and has played a pivotal role in those battles.

Submarine Ace

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over Submarine gameplay in World of Warships. An individual who uses stealth and cunning as their weapons to seek and destroy enemies on the surface – they are lethal tacticians who thrive in the depths of the seas. 

Destroyer Ace

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over Destroyer gameplay in World of Warships. Their ability to scout, support, attack from afar and remain undetected distinguishes the individual as a lethal master of stealth and speed.

Cruiser Ace

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over Cruiser gameplay in World of Warships. Their skill in balancing artillery and maneuverability make them a dual threat on the battlefield. 


Battleship Ace

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over Battleship gameplay in World of Warships. Their proficiency with Heavy artillery and ability to brawl make them a lethal threat on the Battlefield.

Aircraft Carrier Ace

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over Aircraft Carrier gameplay in World of Warships. They are experts in carrier based warfare and have proven their skill in combat and StarFleet Operations.

World Of Warships Operations Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who engages in Fleet activities including significant contributions for Naval Battles, Clan Battles or Joint Operations. Typically awarded by Fleet Commanders.

World of Warships Clan Battle Ace Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who engages in StarFleet Clan Battles in World of Warships. These members are considered the Elite of their Fleet and have proven themselves by helping their Fleet advance. Typically awarded by Fleet Commanders at the end of the Season.

Halo Advanced Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet who has distinguished themselves as an expert Marksman in Fleet supported matches. They are masters in eliminating enemies without fail. Typically awarded for those with highest combat kills and assists.

Halo Basic Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet who has distinguished themselves as a Marksman in Fleet supported matches. They demonstrate proficiency in eliminating hostile threats during matches. Typically awarded for those with high combat kills and assists.

Halo Spartan-Ops Mastery Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet for their efforts in Fleet supported matches or campaigns. Their contributions to achieving in-game goals, including capture points, objectives, defense or through completing co-op campaigns is considered to be second-to-none. They are typically the highest producer of objective points and other points over kills.

Halo Spartan-Ops Proficiency Ribbon

Awarded to an officer of StarFleet for their efforts in Fleet supported matches or campaigns. They are consistent contributors to completing match goals through endeavors beyond the highest kills. In addition, their assistance with the completion of co-op campaigns or their role in assisting in team victory through objective points over kills.

Battlefield 2042 Expert Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers who demonstrate an aptitude well above that of proficiency in combat scenarios. With a combination of Marksmanship, teamwork and skill, the recipient effortlessly proves to be a force to be reckoned with on the Battlefield. Must attain at least 25 kills, 5 squad-mate revives and finish in top 5 squads.

Battlefield 2042 Basic Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers who demonstrate advanced proficiency in combat scenarios. Must achieve at least 20 kills and finish in top 10 squads.

Battlefield 2042 Novice Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to StarFleet officers who have demonstrated basic proficiency in combat scenarios. Must achieve at least 10 kills in a single match and finish in top 10 squads.

Battlefield 2042 Advanced Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to Star Fleet officers who have distinguished themselves with honor and valor by their actions during combat scenarios. Their skillful marksmanship, tactical awareness and squad leadership signify that they are an expert and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Must attain at least 30 kills, 10 squad-mate revives, must finish in top squad and be the leader in one category: Most Kills, Most Revives or Most Capture Points.

Armored Division Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who demonstrates proficiency with any tank class. Merits based off of different tank classes contribute to proficiency, commanders must attain at least 2 kills in a match. This award can be given at the discretion of command.

Armored Division Command Ribbon

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who demonstrates expertise on the field of battle with their crew and tank. While merits base off of different tank classes will contribute to expertise, commanders must attain 3-4 kills in a match and this award can be given at the discretion of command.

Territory Defence STO/STFC

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who actively engages in a successful Territory Defense in STFC/STO.

Game Participation STO/STFC

Awarded to a member of StarFleet who actively engages in a successful Territory take-over in STFC or TFOs in STO.

Helldivers 2 Novice Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to those who obtain a 30% accuracy rating and obtain 50 kills on a level 5 difficulty or higher during a deployment. 

Helldivers 2 Basic Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to those who obtain a 40% accuracy rating and obtain 75 kills on a level 5 difficulty or higher during a deployment.


Helldivers 2 Advanced Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to those who obtain a 50% accuracy rating and obtain 100 kills on a level 7 difficulty or higher during a deployment.


Helldivers 2 Expert Marksman Ribbon

Awarded to those who obtain a 60% accuracy rating and obtain 150 kills on a level 7 difficulty or higher during a deployment.

Basic Helldiver Ribbon

Awarded to those who complete the Basic Qualification Test. May be awarded only once.


Intermediate Helldiver Ribbon

Awarded to those who complete the Intermediate Qualification Test. May be awarded only once.

Advanced Helldiver Ribbon

Awarded to those who complete the Advanced Qualification Test. May be awarded only once.

Elite Helldiver Ribbon

Awarded to those who complete the Elite Qualification Test. May be awarded only once.

Master Helldiver Ribbon

Awarded to those who earn the title of Master Helldiver. May be awarded only once.

World of Warships Squall Award

Awarded to members of StarFleet who have advanced to Squall League in World of Warships.

World of Warships Gale Award

Awarded to members of StarFleet who have advanced to Gale League in World of Warships.


World of Warships Storm Award

Awarded to members of StarFleet who have advanced to Storm League in World of Warships.

World of Warships Typhoon Award

Awarded to members of StarFleet who have advanced to Typhoon League in World of Warships. Individuals attaining this Award contributed to the elevation of the fleet to this league and are truly the Expert of StarFleet’s World of Warships Fleets.

World of Warships Hurricane Award

Awarded to members of StarFleet who have advanced to Hurricane League in World of Warships. Individuals attaining this Award contributed to the elevation of the fleet to this league and are truly the Elite of StarFleet’s World of Warships Fleets.

Automaton Campaign Medal

Awarded to members of StarFleet who successfully complete an Automaton Campaign on Helldive difficulty without losing more than 20 helldivers.

Terminid Campaign Medal

Awarded to members of StarFleet who successfully complete a Terminid Campaign on Helldive difficulty without losing more than 20 helldivers.


SEAF Campaign Medal

Awarded to members of StarFleet who successfully defend Super Earth or the adjoining sectors around super earth from hostile invasion.