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Join SF

Welcome to StarFleet!
To become a member please fill out the form below and an admissions officer will get in contact with you.

Make sure to create your accounts on our forums and Discord before submitting your application:

Also consider joining the StarFleet Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/starfleet98


Instead of using your actual E-Mail, you could create and use an E-Mail with this format (we all have done this) starfleet.(youronewordnamehere)@gmail.com** For Example: starfleet.deadshotman@gmail.com or starfleet.mikey@gmail.com.
Note: The majority of the fleet plays in the North America region.
*Double-clanning is against the Code of Conduct under Article VI - Offenses - it is a potentially a dischargeable offense. If you have questions on what is considered double-clanning, please speak with an Admissions officer.*
The StarFleet Oath: As an officer of StarFleet, I do hereby acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to be bound by the above related provisions of the StarFleet Charter & Code of Conduct, as well as any revisions, modifications or additions which may be lawfully promulgated there to. I pledge my undivided loyalty to StarFleet and agree to subordinate my personal interests to those of the fleet. I pledge to uphold and defend the principles, policies and directives of StarFleet above all other tasks. I pledge my best efforts on behalf of StarFleet in discharging my duties as an officer herein. I, the applicant, do hereby accept and agree to all provisions of the StarFleet Charter and Code of Conduct and do hereby agree to be bound by them.