STFC Server 84 Rules of Engagement
Last Edited 12/06/2024
Survey Ships/Miners
Survey Ships are protected from attacks when:
*UPC and actively mining
*In a system that requires a token to enter (even OPC is protected here)
*UPC in territory (including zero nodes)
*In G6 space (including OPC) until the time that a G6 lucrative space is added. Once such systems are added, G6 space will return to standard server mining protections
Lucrative space is defined in this instance as mining systems that are designated token; specifically with a single system per material with increased node size and increased mining speed above what is available elsewhere
Zero nodes in full G6 systems are not protected. A miner on the node that is it at full cargo and not actually mining the material/resource of the node should be considered a z-node
This is in addition to the original definition of Z-node, not replacing it. Clearing such nodes requires a SS of the full system as proof
Amended 12/1/24
When attacking a zero node miner in regular/open space, players are required to send a “zero node message” prior to the attack
Warships are valid targets at all times except when in a token system or participating in an armada.
“Shield or Share.”
All bases are valid targets except in the system “Ocus”. Ocus is deemed a safe system for bases to relocate to who have reported to their admiral that they are going through a real life hardship or will be away from the game for an extended period of time. Admirals must declare the protected player names in the discord channel Ocus-protection
Amendment: During the 48 hours prior to and including the duration of Incursion, All bases within Ocus are valid targets
Amended 06/08/24
Token Systems
Any system that requires a token to enter such as Borg probe systems, lucrative mining systems, and Actian systems are protected from all forms of PvP
Any ships other than Voyager mining an Anomaly Sample Node in Delta Quadrant Token Space (defined by using a Delta Quadrant Token) have no protection under ROE regardless of being in that token space or UPC, and are able to be destroyed.
Other than this distinction, all other rules regarding token space apply including, but not limited to, floating ships of any classification and OPC Voyagers
Voyager Summons
· Voyager Space is defined as starting in the “Velixys” System in the Delta Quadrant.
· Species 8472 can only be revealed / summoned by a Voyager.
· They will act like a chaser to the Voyager who revealed them.
· Do not interfere
· If the summoning player’s ship(s) is/are destroyed the Species 8472 chaser will be ‘protected’ for 30 sec
Amended 04/01/24
All ships in an active armada circle are protected from all forms of PvP, unless in a contested territory takeover, or engaging in pvp in or outside the armada circle. Event scoring only applies during a contested takeover.
Amended 11/26/23
If an alliance fails an armada, they have 5 minutes to restart it. After 5 minutes, any alliance may initiate the partially completed armada.
Active Territory Takeovers/Defenses
During an active territory takeover/defense, if contested, only the alliances that have joined the takeover are allowed in the systems.
· An Alliance must join with the intent to take over the territory.
· An alliance can not declare war as a workaround for assisting an ally.
· Players are not allowed to move between alliances in order to aid in a takeover.
Direct interference from others towards alliances participating in an active/contested TCC takeover will not be allowed, and considered a violation of 1v1.
Amended 04/22/24
In the event of:
1) a PvP Event that allows for scoring in any and all systems
2) a Hostile Grinding Event utilizing specialty systems with limited availability [Gorn, Xindi, ExBorg/FreeBooter, swarm space, or Dominion]
Players are to refrain from PvP within the Designated Hostile Systems with limited availability
Amended 04/28/24
Amended 05/04/24
Any ship that engages in PvP forfeits RoE protections
Declaration of War/KoS negates all RoE protections and restrictions